ECEC Award

With the ECEC Award, we intend to honor exceptional Compliance efforts which have the power to inspire the Compliance community. We are looking for distinct projects in an organization’s Compliance area; it is not the idea to award the entire Compliance program or Compliance organization in general. Rather, we are interested in innovative approaches and measures which have proven to be particularly effective – this might be a notable Compliance communication campaign, a sophisticated KPI measurement model or a difficult internal change management project.

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2024 Winner

The Wellcome Trust
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2024 Nominees

The Wellcome Trust

Our Process

The expert panel of jury chose three projects to compete in the final round. These three finalists present their projects live on the ECEC floor, after which the audience vote for the winner.

The expert jury based their decisions on the following criteria:

  • Ethical: how ethical is the idea?
  • Exceptionality: how exceptional is the idea?
  • Impact: what impact has the idea had?
  • Innovation:  is this an innovative idea?
  • Inspirational:  would the idea inspire our Ethics & Compliance community?  
  • Scalability: how replicable is the idea in other locations?
  • Sustainability: how sustainable is the idea?

Previous Winners

This is a unique project as it collects information from colleagues rather than relying on traditional communication from the compliance department and its success has been reflected in huge engagement numbers.
The project aimed to enhance the "Speak Up" culture by increasing psychological safety between employees and managers. Successful interventions improved team climate and leadership perception. Broad application and inspiration for other companies.
French start-up Cuidam’s whistleblowing app designed for companies allows workers to report any unsuitable behaviour and thereby operate in an abuse-free workplace.
La Poste Group received the award in recognition of two of the postal service’s compliance projects – the Ethics Barometer, an annual survey that examines the ethical climate within French companies, and the MyEtic App, an app designed to increase the visibility of the group’s compliance program, raise awareness of ethics and compliance issues whilst also preventing corruption.